Modeling to Code

IN MARCH, I PARTICIPATED ON A PANEL on professionalism in predictive modeling at the Casualty Actuarial Society’s (CAS) Ratemak­ing and Product Management Seminar. Since working with predictive modeling has not been an area of focus for me in my professional career, I accepted the invitation thinking it would be a good learning experience. With two other actuaries on the pan­el … Read More

Let’s Be Perfectly Clear

THE REVISED ACTUARIAL STANDARD OF PRACTICE (ASOP) No. 41, Actuarial Communications, was adopted in December 2010 with an effective date of May 1, 2011. Because the revision has been the subject of numerous articles, webinars, and sessions at various actuarial meetings, I’m not going to review all the major changes from the earlier version (these are summarized expertly in an … Read More

Keeping the Code

THE ACTUARIAL STANDARDS BOARD in the past few years has revised six Actuarial Standards of Practice (ASOPs), and five more are pending revisions. The Academy’s Committee on Qualifications has expanded the scope of the Qualification Standards and increased the continuing education requirements for actuaries issuing statements of actuarial opinion. The Society of Actuaries, the Casualty Actuarial Soci­ety, the Conference of … Read More

Peer Review

BRIAN HAS BEEN EMPLOYED AS AN ACTUARY FOR MANY YEARS. After a long period working at an insurance company, he decided to become an independent consultant. While his private practice thrived, he became concerned that as a sole practitioner, he might be vulnerable to mistakes and incomplete analyses. These problems, though likely unintentional, could result in violations of actuarial standards. … Read More

Types of Discipline

MANY OF YOU HAVE HAD THE OPPORTUNITY to hear presentations by members of the Actuarial Board for Counseling and Discipline (ABCD) at local actuarial clubs or within your company or firm. The members of the ABCD are eager to attend programs that allow them to talk interactively about the role of the ABCD and in which there is time to … Read More

A Look at Transparency

What does transparency in the actuarial disciplinary process mean to you? This concept has been widely discussed in the past couple of years in connection with a proposal of the Council of U.S. Presidents (CUSP) to change the discipline process. Most people agree that transparency is desirable. But the devil is in the details, and those details all have potential … Read More

Are You an Expert?

  WHAT ARE YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES for complying with the Code of Professional Conduct when you offer expert testimony about another actuary’s work? Several precepts may apply when an actuary provides expert testimony­ particularly Precept 13, but also Precept 1, Precept 3, Precept 8, and Precept 9. There are also Actuarial Standards of Practice (ASOP) that may apply, includ­ing ASOP No. … Read More

International Compliance

BEING AN ACTUARY IN A GLOBAL ECONOMY requires a lot of diligence. And that diligence begins with the recognition that even if your passport has expired and the only foreign language you speak is pig Latin, you still are working in a global economy. As a U.S. actuary practicing in 2011, chances are good that at some point in your … Read More

Question Time

In a recent interview, James Gutterman, who joined the Actuarial Board for Counseling and Discipline (ABCD) in 2010, discussed his first-year impressions. As an actuary who has worked both as a regulator and on the corporate side, you bring a particularly ecumenical point of view to the ABCD. How do you think this helps you in your work on the … Read More

Non-actuarial Services under the Code

THERE ARE NUMEROUS ACTUARIAL STANDARDS OF PRACTICE (ASOPs) containing what seems to be excruciating detail governing the performance of actuarial services under the Code of Professional Conduct. So much detail, in fact, that actuaries not only need to review the particu­lar governing ASOP when beginning a new type of assignment but also several times a year need to revisit the … Read More